A boom in business is coming. Are you ready?

You’ve scaled back, stayed home and struggled to manage all the logistics of your business during these strange and trying times. And while we don’t yet know what the future holds, experts agree this won’t last forever.

We can go ahead and breathe that collective sigh of relief.

If you’re like most companies, you’re probably working now to plan for the way forward. How will you proceed as the pandemic begins to recede? A question that spawns a whole list of other questions, no doubt.

Here at TrueCordis, we’d like to answer one of those for you:

How will you prepare for the coming boom in business?

Finally, a good problem!

Economists predict a sharp V- or U-shaped rise in the months to come. The unemployed will be searching for jobs and you’ll likely be the ones ready and willing to hire them. That’s the good.

The problem? You might be unprepared to capitalize on rebound opportunities.  As you know, background checks require thorough and competent research. If you’ve cut back on your own workforce, you may find your demand outpacing your capacity.

We want to help.

In response to the changes brought about by COVID-19, we developed the TrueScale Program. We’ve got our team up and running at 100%–ready to help when you need us.

The TrueCordis TrueScale Program utilizes our new TC Smart+ search engine and pairs you with your own personal concierge. By pre-registering, you’ll be set up for an easy data transfer and record processing when the boom hits your business!

We’re also offering members 100 free TC Smart+ searches and keeping them up to date on court and county openings. And discount pricing is available for qualifying searches.

Our hope is that we can make the transition from pandemic back to profits as smooth as possible. Let us know how we can help–and be sure to pre-register at no cost!

The Future of PACER

In the fall of 2018, Rep. Doug Collins introduced bill H.R. 6714, the Electronic Court Records Reform Act. The bill, if passed, will directly affect the widely used Judicial Record System known as PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records). In Summary:

  • This bill directs the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts to consolidate the Case
    Management/Electronic Case Files system into one system.
  • Establishes certain requirements for the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system, including the following:
  • documents filed with a federal court must be publicly accessible not later than five days after filing, and
  • documents on PACER must be available to the public and to parties before the court free of charge